Monday, March 22, 2010

Joshua Tree National Park

We visited Joshua Tree National Park and spent last night at Jumbo Rock campground, Today we drove to the south park of the park and visited Cottonwood Visitor Center where I bought Joshua the tortoise. He is now the traveling companion of Chengdu my stuffed panda. I named him Joshua after Joshua Tree NP. We hiked the Lost Palm Oasis trail and saw lots of lizards including a Chuckwalla. I also saw quite a few wildflowers.

We drove to Phoenix, Arizona where we are staying at the Deserts Edge RV Village a private campground where everything is painted purple and they have metal cactus artwork throughout the park. Ken and I enjoyed the warm pool and hot jacuzzi. We ordered pizza for dinner which was fun!

Obviously, we have wireless so  I can send this post and photos.


  1. Glad to hear that you enjoyed Joshua Tree where we'll head in a few days. We plan to camp at Jumbo Rocks. I'm enjoying your photos!

  2. My son likes the name of your turtle!
