Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chiricahua National Monument

We have been busy these past couple of days. We traveled to Chiricahua National Monument. Fortunately, we decided to spend the night at a private r.v. park before traveling to the park. That night there was a hailstorm and many of the campers left the park. We drove up to the top of the road and were treated to amazing views of the rocks that the parks are known for. We then went to the campground and set up the Roadtrek. We rode our bikes down to the Faraway Ranch and took a docent led tour. Swedish immigrants Neil and Emma Erikson settled here in 1888. The house depicts the guest ranch time period. The ride back to our campsite provided good exercise as we had to ride mostly uphill. My regular camera batteries died so I only have photos from my IPhone that I posted on Facebook for those who are my Facebook friends.

We left the park early and drove through New Mexico. We passed the Continental Divide and are now at a Starbucks in Las Cruces NM. We are headed to El Paso for lunch and then to Guadalupe NM to camp.

We have seen lots of Roadtreks on are journey. Maybe we just notice them now. There were several at the campground.

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