Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Amistad National Recreation Area (Pecos River)

Interesting insect

I don't know the name of this insect but I found it interesting to watch.

Chihuahuan Raven


Carmen Mountains white tailed deer

Big Bend NP

Big Bend National Park is an amazing birding spot

We spent two nights at Big Bend NP in Texas. The first night we stayed at the Rio Grande Village and we had a nice secluded site. We rode our bikes to the Rio Grande river. We saw a pyrrhuloxia and baltimore oriole. We also saw two black-hawks in the cottonwood trees. Then we saw Mexican free tail bats and a larger bat flying around. We also saw a roadrunner and a vermilion flycatcher by our campsite.

The next day we drove up to camp at Chisos Basin in the  mountains. We were hoping to see the colima warbler but it was too early. We did see a mockingbird, vesper sparrow, and brewer's sparrow. We enjoyed our peaceful campsite.

Big Bend is an amazing park with the river, the desert and the mountains.

Underground dining

Pat listening to self-guided tour wand


Carlsbad Caverns

Carlsbad National Park

We enjoyed visiting Carlsbad National Park. It was Pat's fourth time to Carlsbad. When she was walking around the cave she remembered the first time she vistited with her family as a child. They took a Ranger tour and he turned out the lights and Pat remembered how dark it was in the cave. The last time Ken and Pat were there they had Doug is a backback. Pat's last visit was with Wesley and a Boy Scout friend Pat Friedrich and her daughter Kim.

We started the tour from the natural entrance and listened to the self-guided tour. We had lunch in the cafe. We were disappointed that the bats where not there yet. But the cave was as beautiful as all the other times we had visited.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Can you find our Roadrek in this photo. We were hiking back from our hike to Smith Springs when I took this photo.

Guadalupe Mountains in Texas

From the park brochure:
"Guadalupe Mountains National Park preserves the rugged spirit and remote wilderness of the American West. Here, in the ancient Guadalupe Mountains that tower so majestically into the Texas sky, you can delight in grand vies, diverse landscapes, and small pleasures."

We visited the Frijole Ranch History Museum, hiked to the beautiful Smith Springs in the wind, and are now staying in a hotel outside of Carlsbad Caverns because the winds are expected to be 50 mph and it is Ken's B-Day.

First people display

Note: The petroglyphs are the sun, people and the big horn sheep that the local Indians revered

Frijole Ranch Museum

Painting of Butterfield Overland Stage coach

Ruins of Stagecoach station at the Pinery

Guadalupe Mountains NP in Texas

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mexican Jay

Ken and viewing platform

Oregon Pipe formation

Chiricahua National Monument

This is a photo of the same young man when he went to the Indian School

Indian School photo from excellent display about the impacts of Indian Schools on the culture

Beaded clothing

Owl Kasina Doll

Kasina making process

Metal cactus at campground in Phenix

Chiricahua National Monument

We have been busy these past couple of days. We traveled to Chiricahua National Monument. Fortunately, we decided to spend the night at a private r.v. park before traveling to the park. That night there was a hailstorm and many of the campers left the park. We drove up to the top of the road and were treated to amazing views of the rocks that the parks are known for. We then went to the campground and set up the Roadtrek. We rode our bikes down to the Faraway Ranch and took a docent led tour. Swedish immigrants Neil and Emma Erikson settled here in 1888. The house depicts the guest ranch time period. The ride back to our campsite provided good exercise as we had to ride mostly uphill. My regular camera batteries died so I only have photos from my IPhone that I posted on Facebook for those who are my Facebook friends.

We left the park early and drove through New Mexico. We passed the Continental Divide and are now at a Starbucks in Las Cruces NM. We are headed to El Paso for lunch and then to Guadalupe NM to camp.

We have seen lots of Roadtreks on are journey. Maybe we just notice them now. There were several at the campground.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Chuckwalla on a rock


Roadtrek in the desert

Joshua Tree National Park

We visited Joshua Tree National Park and spent last night at Jumbo Rock campground, Today we drove to the south park of the park and visited Cottonwood Visitor Center where I bought Joshua the tortoise. He is now the traveling companion of Chengdu my stuffed panda. I named him Joshua after Joshua Tree NP. We hiked the Lost Palm Oasis trail and saw lots of lizards including a Chuckwalla. I also saw quite a few wildflowers.

We drove to Phoenix, Arizona where we are staying at the Deserts Edge RV Village a private campground where everything is painted purple and they have metal cactus artwork throughout the park. Ken and I enjoyed the warm pool and hot jacuzzi. We ordered pizza for dinner which was fun!

Obviously, we have wireless so  I can send this post and photos.

Friday, March 19, 2010

This is the bathroom that we are using for storage also.

Here is a view of the stove, sink, microwave and our book storage.

This is where we will be navigating our great adventure. Note our panda co-pilot.
We will be putting our bikes on our new bike rack.

The Roadtrek is ready

Here are some photos of the Roadtrek so you can get an idea of what we will be traveling in. It has a small bathroom and shower that we use for storage. There is stove, microwave, refrigerator, bed, computer monitor, air conditioning, heater and generator. I am including some photos. Tomorrow is the launch day. Pat

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Leaving on Saturday, March 20th for our one month trip

I will try to post fairly often. However, please come back in a couple of days for the first post. I am not sure if I will be able to post from my I Phone or have to go to Starbucks to post. I cannot wait to start our adventure. Pat